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We are have several openings within the APOG

At the post-doctoral level:

We are hiring post-doctoral, graduate, and pre-graduate researchers. Areas of focus include:

●      Modeling and observing waves across the oceans and sea ice using high-resolution LES simulations and satellite products.

●      Developing ocean mixing parameterizations in polar regions using high-resolution coupled discrete element modeling approaches.

 ●      Remote sensing and modeling of phytoplankton blooms in the wake of tropical cyclones and under Antarctic sea ice.

 ●      Statistical and dynamical downscaling of Pacific climate variability to understand climate impacts on health for Pacific islands.

●      Analysis of high-resolution climate model data and attribution of climate extreme events using machine learning forecasts.   

Researchers are expected to relocate to Providence, RI with flexible start times. Position salaries at the post-doctoral level begin at $65,000 for two years, with the possibility of extension.

Post-graduate Opportunities

We have opportunities for PhD candidates in:

  • In-situ observations or large-eddy simulation of vertical mixing in the Arctic Ocean

  • Impacts of Tropical Cyclones on Pacific Island Countries

  • Interactions between climate and extreme rainfall in the Pacific.

  • Sedimentation and phytoplankton bloom dynamics under Tropical Cyclones.

What are we looking for?

  • Experience analyzing/interpreting/manipulating geophysical and model data.

  • An open mind: interested in multi-scale climate or ecological modeling, polar climate, and climate-human interactions.

Please direct any questions to Christopher Horvat:

To apply: Please send a CV, a 1-page cover letter describing your research and future interests, and contact information for three references to Please also include an example of research output (paper, thesis, technical report, etc.) that illustrates your research approach and skill.

General Opportunities:

There are many ways for interested scientists at any career stage to engage with the APOG, formally, or informally. The best way to inquire is to directly contact Chris.


Opportunities are available for interested undergraduates enrolled at any University, for casual, summer or in-semester exposure to scientific research.

Graduate Students

If you are considering enrolling in graduate study at Brown or Auckland and are interested in climate science, oceanography, or polar science, please reach out for available opportunities.

Postdoctoral Scientists

If we do not currently have openings, there are also number of institutional and competed fellowships available for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers (see, for example, a list published by the AGU here).

Join our network

The Scale-Aware Sea Ice Project is admitting or hiring a number of graduate students and postdoctoral scientists. Information on openings and deadlines can be found here.